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Monkey D Luffy Akon Meyeder Rajje Episode 1|Bangla Funny Dubbing 2017|Monkey The Luffy|One Piece 409

Monkey D Luffy Akon Meyeder Rajje Episode 1|Bangla Funny Dubbing 2017|Monkey The Luffy|One Piece 409
the tale of monkey d luffy. he was sent flying by fighting with a sea warlord in one piece.
Bangla Funny Dubbing 2017|Monkey The Luffy|One Piece 409
Then there's Luffy, who's flying over the ocean due to Kuma's power, asking aloud on where his crew had vanished to and also worrying about landing in the
luffy with boa hancoak one piece ocean. Presumably after three days of flight, he lands on an island in a paw shaped crater. After recovering from the impact, Luffy sets about heading back to Sabaody with the help of the Vivre Card. He makes good headway until he reaches a mountain and tries to plow through it with a Gigant Pistol, but is too weak to do so.Bangla Funny Dubbing 2017|Monkey The Luffy|One Piece 409 He notices a wild boar near him, which he defeats, and cooks it over a campfire. He eats it with a slight remembrance to the training Garp put him through with some fondness. He notices a mushroom known as a Laughing 'Shroom growing nearby and
luffy with boa hancoak one pieceeats it to cheer himself up. He then notices more and eats them too though they seem to have different effects on him. Sometime later, a trio of women named Marguerite, Sweet Pea and Aphelandra happen upon his unconscious body which is covered in mushrooms. Bangla Funny Dubbing 2017|Monkey The Luffy|One Piece 409Marguerite identifies it as "Mushrooms-growing-out-of-your-body" 'shroom, which can suck the life force out of its victim should they remain. They take Luffy back to their village where another woman named Belladonna helps them in ridding Luffy of the fungus by plucking and burning them off his skin (though overdoing it on the latter, knocking him unconscious just as he was starting to wake up). The group then proceed to wash him while others in the village, all women, look on. Sweet Pea notices there another "mushroom" in between Luffy's legs that they cannot seem to pull off despite numerous attempts. At this point, their Elder Nyon comes across the scene, immediately identifying Luffy as a man which sends the whole village into a state of panic. Up until that point they'd thought he was a girl. We're then informed that this island is the home of the Kuja, a tribe of female warriors and the island is called "Amazon Lily" a place said one should never to set foot on if you value your life.

Kuja IslandEdit
luffy with boa hancoak one piece
The island's culture is finally explained: Amazon Lily is a land of all woman, though on occasion a few set sail and give birth before coming back. Oddly enough, all of the resident's children have all been girls and are raised from birth to become strong fighters and workers. However, if any man were to set foot on the island, they would be eliminated on the spot. In a huge hole at the top of the island's mountain is where the central village lays and thus is where we find Luffy, whose been put into a jail cell after the amazons had discovered his gender.Bangla Funny Dubbing 2017|Monkey The Luffy|One Piece 409

Luffy Naked at Amazon Lilly
luffy with boa hancoak one piece
Luffy shows the Kuja his "family jewels".
which Luffy answers as "Kintama" ("balls of gold"), they are amazed and ask to give his genitals to them so that they can see. This makes Luffy freaks out, claiming that they're trying to kill him. The amazons then give him some new clothes due to his old ones being worn out. However, his new ones are rather girly looking and he freaks out.Bangla Funny Dubbing 2017|Monkey The Luffy|One Piece 409

The outburst leads to some of the amazons becoming defensive, thinking Luffy was becoming vicious. One of the amazons, Kikyo, takes initiative by aiming her snake bow and arrow at him, while the other women follow suit. After Belladonna reveals they had saved him, Luffy apologizes for his outburst and thanks them for doing so, but Kikyo also reveals there is a ban on men on the island and they would have to kill him anyway. She also wishes to do so to keep Marguerite, Sweet Pea and Aphelandra from getting into trouble with their leader. Luffy tries to plea with them to just let him go but they proceed to shoot anyway, forcing him to break out of his cell through the roof. The Amazons quickly set after him, managing to knock him to ground level though he was able to avoid their attacks. Realizing that his Vivre Card is still in his other

 Voice Md Shanto & MD Tonmoy Islam
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